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1. Ahmed W, Al Obaidli AAK, Joseph P, Smith ER, Khan AA, Anwar S, . . . Holt SG. Outcomes of patients with end stage kidney disease on dialysis with COVID-19 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; from PCR to antibody. BMC Nephrol 2021; 22: 198. 10.1186/s12882-021-02378-y.
2. Bressendorff I, Hansen D, Pasch A, Holt SG, Schou M, Brandi L, Smith ER. The effect of increasing dialysate magnesium on calciprotein particles, inflammation and bone markers: post hoc analysis from a randomized controlled clinical trial. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2021; 36: 713-721. 10.1093/ndt/gfz234.
3. Tiong MK, Krishnasamy R, Smith ER, Hutchison CA, Ryan EG, Pascoe EM, . . . Toussaint ND. Effect of a medium cut-off dialyzer on protein-bound uremic toxins and mineral metabolism markers in patients on hemodialysis. Hemodial Int 2021; 25: 322-332. 10.1111/hdi.12924.
4. Smith ER, Hewitson TD. HBEGF: an EGF-like growth factor with FGF23-like activity? Kidney Int 2021; 99: 539-542. 10.1016/j.kint.2020.11.011.
5. AlSahow A, Muenz D, Al-Ghonaim MA, Al Salmi I, Hassan M, Al Aradi AH, . . . Pisoni RL. Kt/V: achievement, predictors and relationship to mortality in hemodialysis patients in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries: results from DOPPS (2012-18). Clin Kidney J 2021; 14: 820-830. 10.1093/ckj/sfz195.
6. Sypek MP, Kausman JY, Watson N, Wyburn K, Holt SG, Hughes P, Clayton PA. The Introduction of cPRA and Its Impact on Access to Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation for Highly Sensitized Patients in Australia. Transplantation 2021; 105: 1317-1325. 10.1097/tp.0000000000003410.
7. Tiong MK, Smith ER, Toussaint ND, Al-Khayyat HF, Holt SG. Reduction of Calciprotein Particles in Adults Receiving Infliximab for Chronic Inflammatory Disease. JBMR Plus 2021; 5: e10497. 10.1002/jbm4.10497.
8. Reis T, Anwar S, Neves F, Ronco C. Disruptive technologies for hemodialysis: medium and high cutoff membranes. Is the future now? J Bras Nefrol 2021; 43: 410-416. 10.1590/21758239-jbn-2020-0273.
9. Thwaites SE, Holt SG, Yii MK. Inferiority of arteriovenous grafts, in comparison to autogenous fistulas, is underestimated by standard survival measures alone. ANZ J Surg 2021; 91: 162-167. 10.1111/ans.16472.
10. Holt SG, Locarnini S, Sasadeusz J. Hepatitis B related dilemmas in the renal unit. Nephrology (Carlton) 2021; 26: 287-293. 10.1111/nep.13815.
11. Hewitson TD, Smith ER. A Metabolic Reprogramming of Glycolysis and Glutamine Metabolism Is a Requisite for Renal Fibrogenesis—Why and How? Front Physiol 2021; 12: 288.
12. Moodie J-A, Sanders E, Sobey B, Ryan J, Amy J, Beavis J, Montgomery A, Holt SG. The advantages of nurse-led consent for dialysis in improving shared decision-making and obtaining legal consent. Renal Society of Australasia Journal 2021; 17: 4-9.
13. Steinberg AG, Beavis J, Sobey B, Holt SG. Individual versus group chronic kidney disease education. Renal Society of Australasia Journal 2021; 17: 17-23.
1. Toussaint ND, Damasiewicz MJ, Holt SG, Lu ZX, Magliano DJ, Atkins RC, Chadban SJ, Shaw JE, Polkinghorne KR. Relationship Between Urinary Phosphate and All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality in a National Population-Based Longitudinal Cohort Study. J Ren Nutr 2022; 32: 510-519. 10.1053/j.jrn.2021.10.009.
2. Madam AA, Ahmed W, Al Obaidli AAK, Smith ER, Holt SG. Coronavirus Disease 2019 Infection and ABO Blood Groups in a Hemodialysis Cohort in the United Arab Emirates. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 2022; 33: 413-417. 10.4103/1319-2442.385964.
3. Tiong MK, Cai MMX, Toussaint ND, Tan SJ, Pasch A, Smith ER. Effect of nutritional calcium and phosphate loading on calciprotein particle kinetics in adults with normal and impaired kidney function. Sci Rep 2022; 12: 7358. 10.1038/s41598-022-11065-3.
4. Xu C, Smith ER, Tiong MK, Ruderman I, Toussaint ND. Interventions To Attenuate Vascular Calcification Progression in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Systematic Review of Clinical Trials. J Am Soc Nephrol 2022; 33: 1011-1032. 10.1681/ASN.2021101327.
5. Holt SG, Mahmoud S, Ahmed W, Acuna JM, Al Madani AK, Eltantawy I, . . . Al Obaidli AA. An analysis of antibody responses and clinical sequalae of the Sinopharm HB02 COVID19 vaccine in dialysis patients in the United Arab Emirates. Nephrology (Carlton) 2022; 27: 260-268. 10.1111/nep.13980.
6. Al Kaabi N, Oulhaj A, Ganesan S, Al Hosani FI, Najim O, Ibrahim H, . . . Zaher W. Effectiveness of BBIBP-CorV vaccine against severe outcomes of COVID-19 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Nat Commun 2022; 13: 3215. 10.1038/s41467-022-30835-1.
7. Ethier I, Boudville N, McDonald S, Brown F, Kerr PG, Walker R, . . . Johnson DW. Representativeness of the PDOPPS cohort compared to the Australian PD population. Perit Dial Int 2022; 42: 403-414. 10.1177/08968608211056242.
8. Al Shamsi HR, Shaheen I, Aziz D. Management of recurrent focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) post renal transplantation. Transplant Rev (Orlando) 2022; 36: 100675. 10.1016/j.trre.2021.100675.
9. Bruell S, Nicholls KM, Hewitson TD, Talbot AS, Holt SG, Smith ER, Ruderman I. Reduced hip bone mineral density is associated with high levels of calciprotein particles in patients with Fabry disease. Osteoporos Int 2022; 33: 1783-1794. 10.1007/s00198-022-06420-z.
10. Al Madani AK, Al Obaidli AK, Ahmed W, AlKaabi NA, Holt SG. The Omicron COVID-19 threat to dialysis patients is dramatically lower than previous variants. Nephrology (Carlton) 2022; 27: 725-726. 10.1111/nep.14065.
11. Tiong MK, Holt SG, Ford ML, Smith ER. Serum Calciprotein Monomers and Chronic Kidney Disease Progression. Am J Nephrol 2022; 53: 806-815. 10.1159/000526609.
12. Jha CM, Dastoor HD, Gopalakrishnan N, Holt SG. Obstacles to Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Pruritus in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: Current Perspectives. Int J Nephrol Renovasc Dis 2022; 15: 335-352. 10.2147/ijnrd.S294147.
13. Champion de Crespigny PJ, Cai MX, Holt SG. Providing a PD Service. In: Harber M (ed). Primer on Nephrology. Springer International Publishing: Cham, 2022, pp 1385-1408.
1. Holt SG, Nundlall A, Alameri M, Alhosani KJ, Arayaparath AV, James MK, . . . Al Madani AK. Quantifying the advantages and acceptability of linking dialysis machines to an electronic medical record. Int J Med Inform 2023; 178: 105215. 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2023.105215.
2. Komaba H, Zhao J, Karaboyas A, Yamamoto S, Dasgupta I, Hassan M, . . . Fukagawa M. Active Vitamin D Use and Fractures in Hemodialysis Patients: Results from the International DOPPS. J Bone Miner Res 2023; 38: 1577-1585. 10.1002/jbmr.4913.
3. Alvares M, Anwar S, Hashmi SK, Zaman MB, Al Mahri A, Alvares C, . . . ElGhazali G. Development of a calculated panel reactive antibody calculator for the United Arab Emirates: a proof of concept study. Sci Rep 2023; 13: 8468. 10.1038/s41598-023-34860-y.
4. Thiem U, Hewitson TD, Toussaint ND, Holt SG, Haller MC, Pasch A, Cejka D, Smith ER. Effect of the phosphate binder sucroferric oxyhydroxide in dialysis patients on endogenous calciprotein particles, inflammation, and vascular cells. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2023; 38: 1282-1296. 10.1093/ndt/gfac271.
5. AlSahow A, AbdulShafy M, Al-Ghamdi S, AlJoburi H, AlMogbel O, Al-Rowaie F, . . . Zannad F. Prevalence and management of hyperkalemia in chronic kidney disease and heart failure patients in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich) 2023; 25: 251-258. 10.1111/jch.14633.
6. Al-Ani FM, Khandoker AH, Corridon PR, Holt SG. A novel model for predicting hospitalization risk among hemodialysis patients based on blood test variables. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2023; 2023: 1-4. 10.1109/embc40787.2023.10340227.
7. Zeper LW, Smith ER, Ter Braake AD, Tinnemans PT, de Baaij JHF, Hoenderop JGJ. Calciprotein Particle Synthesis Strategy Determines In Vitro Calcification Potential. Calcif Tissue Int 2023; 112: 103-117. 10.1007/s00223-022-01036-1.
8. Tiong MK, Smith ER, Pascoe EM, Elder GJ, Lioufas NM, Pedagogos E, . . . Toussaint ND. Effect of lanthanum carbonate on serum calciprotein particles in patients with stage 3-4 CKD-results from a placebo-controlled randomized trial. Nephrol Dial Transpl 2023; 38: 344-351. 10.1093/ndt/gfac043.
9. Murali S, Smith ER, Tiong MK, Tan SJ, Toussaint ND. Interventions to Attenuate Cardiovascular Calcification Progression: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials. J Am Heart Assoc 2023; 12: e031676. 10.1161/JAHA.123.031676.
10. Smith ER, Champion de Crespigny PJ, Vally F, Hewitson TD, Toussaint ND, Cade TJ, Holt SG. Cord blood effectively resists mineralization through mechanisms that stabilize calciprotein particles. Kidney Int 2023; 103: 782-786. 10.1016/j.kint.2022.11.019.
11. Hewitson TD, Toussaint ND, Smith ER (eds). Kidney Research. Humana: NY, 2023. 353pp.
12. Hewitson TD, Smith ER. Propagation, Culture, and Characterization of Renal Fibroblasts. Methods Mol Biol 2023; 2664: 13-29. 10.1007/978-1-0716-3179-9_2.
13. Hewitson TD, Smith ER. Isolation of Rat Glomeruli and Propagation of Mesangial Cells to Study the Kidney in Health and Disease. Methods Mol Biol 2023; 2664: 31-39. 10.1007/978-1-0716-3179-9_3.
14. Al-Ghamdi S, Abu-Alfa A, Alotaibi T, AlSaaidi A, AlSuwaida A, Arici M, . . . Sqalli T. Chronic Kidney Disease Management in the Middle East and Africa: Concerns, Challenges, and Novel Approaches. Int J Nephrol Renovasc Dis 2023; 16: 103-112. 10.2147/ijnrd.S363133.
15. Schuck KE, Holt SG, Hosking J, McNeill L, Bennett P. The Australian and New Zealand dialysis workforce study 2021. Renal Society of Australasia Journal 2023; 19: 100-107.
16. Al Dhaheri AF, Al Hammadi AA, Boni CR, Randhawa AA, Nsutebu FE, Mooty M, Al Seiari YM, Holt GS, Al Obaidli AA. Solid Organ Transplantation from SARS-CoV-2–infected Donor to Uninfected Recipients: First in the United Arab Emirates and the Neighboring Region. New Emirates Medical Journal 2023; 4: 1-4. http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/04666230317104250.
1. Almadani AK, Ahmed W, Al Obaidli AAK, Holt SG. Gender, age and nationality differences in chronic kidney disease prevalence in the emirate of Abu Dhabi, UAE. Nephrology (Carlton) 2024; 29: 288-296. 10.1111/nep.14285.
2. AlKindi F, Saedi MA, Boobes Y. New Onset Plaque Psoriasis in a Hemodialysis Patient: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Indian J Nephrol 2024; 34: 195-197. 10.4103/ijn.ijn_57_22.
3. Boobes Y, Afandi B, AlKindi F, Tarakji A, Al Ghamdi SM, Alrukhaimi M, . . . Al-Hakim MR. Consensus recommendations on fasting during Ramadan for patients with kidney disease: review of available evidence and a call for action (RaK Initiative). BMC Nephrol 2024; 25: 84. 10.1186/s12882-024-03516-y.
4. Hamid AK, Pastor Arroyo EM, Calvet C, Hewitson TD, Muscalu ML, Schnitzbauer U, Smith ER, Wagner CA, Egli-Spichtig D. Phosphate Restriction Prevents Metabolic Acidosis and Curbs Rise in FGF23 and Mortality in Murine Folic Acid-Induced AKI. J Am Soc Nephrol 2024; 35: 261-280. 10.1681/ASN.0000000000000291.
5. Chertow GM, Correa-Rotter R, Eckardt KU, Kanda E, Karasik A, Li G, . . . Retat L. Projecting the clinical burden of chronic kidney disease at the patient level (Inside CKD): a microsimulation modelling study. EClinicalMedicine 2024; 72: 102614. 10.1016/j.eclinm.2024.102614.
6. Bulanov N, Alshamsi I, Cambier A, Chávez-Iñiguez JS, Gallardo M, Malik C, . . . Karam S. Toolkit on Creating a Young Nephrologists Committee: An ISN Young Nephrologists Committee Project to Empower Young Nephrologists Worldwide. Kidney Int Rep 2024; 9: 1553-1556. 10.1016/j.ekir.2024.04.011.
7. Cejka D, Thiem U, Blinzler E, Machacek J, Voelkl J, Smith ER, Pasch A, Haller MC. Citrate-Buffered, Magnesium-Enriched Dialysate on Calcification Propensity in Hemodialysis Patients - The CitMag Study. Kidney Int Rep 2024; 9: 1765-1773. 10.1016/j.ekir.2024.03.023.
8. AlKindi F, AlHaj O, Alhanaee A, Almazrouei R, Boobes Y. Severe Hyponatremia Associated With Terlipressin Use in Esophageal Variceal Bleeding. Cureus 2024; 16: e64576. 10.7759/cureus.64576.
9. AlKindi F, Boobes Y, Shalwani F, Ansari J, Almazrouei R. Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitor (SGLT2i) Associated Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Oncology Patients: A Case Series and Literature Review. Cureus 2024; 16: e53816. 10.7759/cureus.53816.
10. Feenstra L, Reijrink M, Pasch A, Smith ER, Visser LM, Bulthuis M, . . . Hillebrands JL. Calciprotein particle counts associate with vascular remodelling in chronic kidney disease. Cardiovasc Res 2024: 10.1093/cvr/cvae164.
12. Karam S, Amouzegar A, Alshamsi IR, Al Ghamdi SMG, Anwar S, Ghnaimat M, . . . Savaj S. Capacity for the management of kidney failure in the International Society of Nephrology Middle East region: report from the 2023 ISN Global Kidney Health Atlas (ISN-GKHA). Kidney Int Suppl (2011) 2024; 13: 57-70. 10.1016/j.kisu.2024.01.009.
13. Chacar S, Abdi A, Almansoori K, Alshamsi J, Al Hageh C, Zalloua P, Khraibi AA, Holt SG, Nader M. Role of CaMKII in diabetes induced vascular injury and its interaction with anti-diabetes therapy. Rev Endocr Metab Disord 2024; 25: 369-382. 10.1007/s11154-023-09855-9.
14. Cejka D, Thiem U, Blinzler E, Machacek J, Voelkl J, Smith ER, Pasch A, Haller MC. Citrate-Buffered, Magnesium-Enriched Dialysate on Calcification Propensity in Hemodialysis Patients – The CitMag Study. Kidney International Reports 2024: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ekir.2024.03.023.
15. Thiem U, Lenz J, Haller MC, Pasch A, Smith ER, Cejka D. The effect of parathyroid hormone lowering by etelcalcetide therapy on calcification propensity and calciprotein particles in hemodialysis patients. Clinical Kidney Journal 2024: 10.1093/ckj/sfae097.
16. Elkeraie AF, Al-Ghamdi S, Abu-Alfa AK, Alotaibi T, AlSaedi AJ, AlSuwaida A, . . . Sqalli T. Impact of Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter-2 Inhibitors in the Management of Chronic Kidney Disease: A Middle East and Africa Perspective. Int J Nephrol Renovasc Dis 2024; 17: 1-16. 10.2147/ijnrd.S430532.
17. Holt SG, Korneef E, Al Obaidli A, Hubbert L, Nicholson L. Decarbonisation of Kidney Care in the United Arab Emirates: A Roadmap to an environmentally Sustainable Care. Int J Nephrol Renovasc Dis 2024.